I will stand by your side and help you find and collect the seeds of the solutions, regain clarity and power, visualize your new future, and equip you with the tools to move forward.
+alex hart+ (petros bogeas)
Some information about me :
- I grew up in nature in Greece, before moving to Athens.
- I have been and still am immersed in wildlife and outdoors survival.
- I study philosophy, especially practically applied philosophy. I am influenced by the East and the West, the old and the new: Ancient Greek and Roman, Bushido, Buddhism, Tao and Zen.
- I have practiced most major and known movement and martial arts. I was on the Semi-contact Greek National Team for three years and competed in the WAKO World Tournament in Paris.
- I have advanced military training and am a decorated member of the Presidential Guards in Athens.
- I am a Sivananda certified Yoga Teacher.
- I am the author of “clarity boom – a collection of poems” and “clarity boom – the guide.”
- I organized large-scale events from high school onward, eventually opening an Entertainment Management and Concepts Development company called One Sentiment. As a lover of music, I would frequently perform as a D.J. at events too.
- I presented a workshop, +vision flow+, at TedX in Larissa, have given talks at the University of Piraeus and the School of Fine Arts of Athens, and participated in several Hackathons as a mentor. I am currently designing two apps, “clarity boom” and “starlight boom.”
- I consult business owners and founders of start-ups in marketing, communication, branding and strategy.
Fun highlights :
- I once practiced with Hatsumi Masaaki, “the last ninja”, in Tokyo.
- I cycled from Athens to Barcelona, and scootered from New York City to Miami.
- I was a professional model, and the face of Coca-Cola for the Olympic Games in Greece; other brands include Vodafone, Fiat, Volkswagen, Cutty Sark and Fanta.
- I marched in the Greek Independence Day parade in New York City in official Presidential Guard attire.
- My favorite tv series is Cosmos by Carl Sagan.
- My favorite movies are The Matrix, Phenomenon, Network, Get Out, The Game and Peaceful Warrior.